Mr. Blues

Blues, oh Blues, you dog me like a ghost
Whispering at midnight the things I fear the most
Oh Blues, you dog me like a ghost
Hiding in the darkness, you wait til I'm alone....
  and then you moan
It's the serenade of sorrow
Gonna think about tomorrow, Mister Blues

Blues, oh Blues, trickster in my house
Creepin' in the side door, stirring up my doubts  
Oh Blues, you're the trickster in my house
I get worried when you're whistling that same old tune....
  trouble's coming soon
While you're smiling at my sorrow
Gonna think about tomorrow, Mister Blues

Blues, oh Blues, got a stumble in your step
Without all my troubles, you ain't nothing by yourself
Oh blues, got a stumble in your step
I will gather in my chosen, and we'll burn the lanterns high....
 until you fly
Gonna send you home in sorrow
Better think about tomorrow, Mister Blues


PW:  vocal, guitar
written by Pat Wictor (Tell A Tale Music / BMI)